Welcome to George’s blog. I play keyboards in the Alice Syndrome, and I’m also very interested in psychology, spirituality and self-transcendence. Groovhead tends to write all our lyrics, which always touch on subjects that hit deep into my interests.

Lyrics But I will resist in any way I can I will not comply I will not comply Repeats…..
There’s a battle raging in my soul
there are those who would wish to lead me
to satisfy their own agenda’s and aims
To the point where my existence
Becomes an act of resistance
I want you to reassure me
I want you to reassure me
The song, Battle for my soul revisited !!, is a powerful expression of the individual’s struggle against external forces that try to manipulate and control them. The lyrics suggest that the singer is facing a conflict between their own desires and values, and those of others who have different agendas and aims, and exercise control over them. The song declares that these influences will be resisted, even if it means that very existence becomes a form of defiance. The chorus repeats the phrase “I will not comply”, which shows a determination to remain true to self, and also the need for reassurance from others, who can provide understanding and support.
The song can be interpreted as a commentary on the social and political issues of our time, such as the rise of authoritarianism, censorship, propaganda, and surveillance. It proposes that personal freedom and identity are threatened by these forces, and that we have to fight for their rights and dignity.

The song also reflects a common theme in rock music, which is the rebellion against conformity and oppression. Some examples of songs with similar themes are “The Sound of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkel, “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd, “Killing in the Name” by Rage Against the Machine, and “Uprising” by Muse.
The world of psychology recognises that often external pressures can cause us to deny and disconnect with our true selves in favour of conforming to the needs of others to feel loved or accepted. This disparity between one’s true thoughts and actions, and the failure to express them, or accept that they are true, is called a lack of self-congruence.
One of the psychological theories that deals with the aspect of human nature related to self-congruence is Carl Rogers’ humanistic theory. According to Rogers, self-congruence is the degree of alignment between one’s self-image, ideal self, and actual experience (Stevenson, 2022). When a person’s self-concept is congruent, they feel authentic and satisfied with themselves. When a person’s self-concept is incongruent, they feel dissatisfied, unhappy, and even mentally ill (Rogers, 1959).
Rogers’ theory of self-congruence assumes that humans have an innate tendency to grow and actualize their potential, which he called the actualizing tendency. However, this tendency can be hindered by external or internal factors that create a gap between the person’s self-image (how they see themselves), ideal self (how they want to be), and actual experience (how they really are). This gap is called incongruence, and it causes psychological distress and maladjustment (Rogers, 1961).
One of the factors that can contribute to incongruence is the presence of conditions of worth, which are expectations or standards that others impose on the person, or that the person internalizes from others, regarding their value or worthiness. For example, a person may believe that they are only worthy of love and acceptance if they achieve certain goals, behave in certain ways, or conform to certain norms. These conditions of worth can conflict with the person’s true feelings, needs, or desires, and thus create incongruence between their self-image and their actual experience (Rogers, 1959).
Another factor that can affect congruence is the degree of unconditional positive regard that the person receives from others, especially significant others such as parents, teachers, or friends. Unconditional positive regard is the acceptance and appreciation of the person as they are, without any judgment or evaluation. When a person receives unconditional positive regard, they are more likely to develop a positive and realistic self-image, and to align their ideal self with their actualizing tendency. When a person receives conditional positive regard, which is based on meeting certain conditions of worth, they are more likely to develop a negative and distorted self-image, and to adopt an ideal self that is incongruent with their actualizing tendency (Rogers, 1961).
Therefore, according to Rogers’ theory, congruence is essential for psychological well-being and optimal functioning. Congruence allows the person to be true to themselves, to express their feelings and thoughts honestly, to pursue their interests and goals freely, and to relate to others authentically. Congruence also facilitates self-actualization, which is the realization of one’s full potential as a human being (Rogers, 1959).
However, achieving congruence can be very challenging for someone who has low self-esteem and confidence, and who faces strong societal pressures to conform or fit in. Such a person may have a negative self-image that does not reflect their true abilities or qualities. They may also have an unrealistic or idealized ideal self that does not match their actual experience or potential. They may feel that they have to hide or change their true selves to be accepted and loved by others. Furthermore, they may experience anxiety, guilt, shame, or anger when they perceive a discrepancy between their self-image, ideal self, and actual experience. They may also resort to various defence mechanisms such as denial, rationalization, projection, or repression to cope with their incongruence (Rogers, 1961).
For example, a person who has low self-esteem and confidence may believe that they are not smart enough, attractive enough, or successful enough to be worthy of respect or admiration. They may also have an ideal self that is based on unrealistic or external standards of beauty, intelligence, or achievement. They may feel pressured by their family, peers, or society to conform to these standards to gain approval or recognition. Furthermore, they may try to hide their perceived flaws or shortcomings by wearing masks or playing roles that are inconsistent with their true-selves. They may also avoid situations or activities that challenge their self-image or expose their incongruence.

Rogers’ theory can be related to the song “Creep” by Radiohead, which expresses the feelings of an outsider who does not fit in with the society’s expectations and norms. The lyrics of the song suggest that the speaker has a low self-image and a high ideal self that they cannot attain. They feel alienated and unworthy of love from the person they admire. He also feels guilty and ashamed of his own existence, as he says, “I don’t belong here” and “I wish I was special”. These are signs of a severe incongruence between his self-image and his ideal self, which leads to a lack of self-esteem and self-acceptance.
Low self-esteem and self-confidence, in my opinion, comes from a lack of wholeness; a lack of inner connection. Meaning the individual concerned will be less self-informed, they will tend to look externally for reassurance, which makes it extremely hard for them not to continue conforming, even though, as Rogers theory suggests, they are likely to feel extremely uncomfortable about the situation, to the point of mental illness. The act of rebellion suggested in this song, is the act of becoming true to self, it is the first stage in the journey of self-actualisation.
Rogers, C. (1959). A theory of therapy, personality and interpersonal relationships as developed in the client-centered framework. In S. Koch (Ed.), Psychology: A study of a science. Vol. 3: Formulations of the person and the social context (pp. 184-256). New York: McGraw Hill.
Stevenson, C. (2022). Congruence (Psychology): Definition & Examples (2022). Helpful Professor. Retrieved from https://helpfulprofessor.com/congruence-psychology/
Simon, P., & Garfunkel, A. (1964). The Sound of Silence [Song]. On Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. Columbia Records.
Waters, R., Gilmour, D., Wright, R., & Mason, N. (1979). Another Brick in the Wall [Song]. On The Wall. Harvest Records.
Morello, T., Commerford, T., Wilk, B., & de la Rocha, Z. (1992). Killing in the Name [Song]. On Rage Against the Machine. Epic Records.
Bellamy, M., Howard, D., & Wolstenholme, C. (2009). Uprising [Song]. On The Resistance. Warner Bros. Records.