The Alice Syndrome

Flies – Resources


This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track, Flies.

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I submit to the lord of the universe

Wherever you are, death will overtake you
Though you are in towers raised high
Vie with one another, in good works

Give glad tidings to those who patiently proceed
By the token of time through the ages
Vie with one another, in good works

By the token of time through the ages
Verify, man is in lust
Except that which have faith
And do righteous things
And join together, in mutual teachings of truth
And of patience
And of constancy

– Islamic break –

Vie with one another, in good works
Give glad tidings to those who patiently proceed

Wherever you are, death will overtake you
Though you are in towers raised high

I submit to the lord of the universe
Vie with one another, in good works

Give glad tidings to those who patiently proceed

Who so interveneth, in a good cause
Shall have the reward thereof
And who so interveneth in an evil cause<⁣/span>
Will bear the consequences thereof

– Islamic break –
By the token of time through the ages

Wherever you are, death will overtake you
Though you are in towers raised high

I submit to the lord of the universe

I submit to the lord of the universe


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