Category: Resources

The Alice Syndrome - Forthcoming Gigs

We are pleased to announce we can confirm our attendance at the following festivals this summer!


Mabfest 2024 Sunday Line UpMabfest, Tamworth, UK – 7th-9th June 2024

Sentry Landscape Poster

Inspired Gathering – Northallerton, UK – 9th – 11th August 2024

Northern Green Gathering, Wakefield, UK – 15th-18th August 2024.

Hope to see you there!


Homage to Bill Hicks

He was a voice of truth and humour
A prophet of the absurd and the sublime
He challenged us to see beyond the illusion
And to embrace the reality of our minds


He told us that life is just a ride
A thrilling adventure of ups and downs
But we don’t have to be afraid or hide
We can laugh and love and turn it around


But he also hinted at a deeper mystery
That we are not just passengers on this ride
We are also the creators of our own history
The architects of the amusement park inside


We have the power to shape our experience
To design the attractions and the rules
We can make it a place of joy or violence
We can be the wise or the fools


So let us honour his legacy and vision
By remembering his words and his smile
And let us follow his example and mission
To make this ride worthwhile

Bill Hicks was a stand-up comedian and satirist who died in 1994 from pancreatic cancer. He often tackled controversial topics such as religion, politics, and philosophy in his dark and ironic humour. Some of his great philosophical quotes are:

 “It’s just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love.”

“The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it’s real because that’s how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it’s very brightly coloured, and it’s very loud, and it’s fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, ‘Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?’ And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, ‘Hey, don’t worry; don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.’ And we … kill those people.”

“I’m not really here to make you laugh. I’m here to make you think.”


One of his most famous routines was about life being “just a ride” in an amusement park, where we can choose to enjoy it or be scared by it, but ultimately, it has no consequences. Many commentators have interpreted this theme as a form of existential nihilism, where nothing matters and everything is absurd.

However, others have seen it as a liberating and empowering message, where we can create our own meaning and values, and not be constrained by the illusions and expectations of society. Some have even compared Hicks to a Zen master, who used humour and paradox to awaken people from their ignorance and suffering.

What can we learn from this philosophy? Perhaps we can learn to be more aware of our own choices and actions, and how they affect ourselves and others. Perhaps we can learn to appreciate the beauty and wonder of existence, without taking it too seriously or attaching to it too much. Maybe we can learn to laugh at ourselves and our problems, and not let them overwhelm us. Perhaps we can learn to be more compassionate and tolerant of others, who are also on their own rides. Potentially, we can learn to enjoy the ride, while it lasts.

Upcoming Gigs

The Alice Syndrome - Forthcoming Gigs

We are pleased to announce we can confirm our attendance at the following festivals this summer!   Mabfest, Tamworth, UK – 7th-9th June 2024 Inspired Gathering – Northallerton, UK – 9th – 11th August 2024 Northern Green Gathering, Wakefield, UK – 15th-18th August 2024. Hope to see you there!   Homage to …

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This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track, death mother goddess

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Download Merchandise George's Blog Potential triggers 

Lyrics - 1Lyrics - 2Lyrics - 3

Voice 1
“And what makes you think you are good enough?
There is nothing about you that is appealing.
You sicken me”
Voice 2
“And what makes you think you are good enough?
There is nothing about you that is appealing.
You sicken me”
Voice 1
“I will dig my blade into your soul
and twist until you writhe in pain
I will send poison through your very being
and screaming demons inside your brain”
Voice 2
“You are worthless
I will destroy all your hopes
I will take all your joy
and poison your smile
I will dig my blade into your soul
and twist until you writhe in pain
I will send poison through your very being
and screaming demons inside your brain”
Voice 1
“I will warp and twist and tighten me grip
until there’s nothing of you of left
and I have recreated you in my own image
sad, and bitter and twisted, devoid of light”
Voice 2
“I will warp and twist and tighten me grip
until there’s nothing of you of left
and I have recreated you in my own image
sad, and bitter and twisted, devoid of light”
Voice 1
“I will lurk in every shadow
every corner of your mind
I will be every part of you
until you are nothing but me”
Voice 2
“I will warp and twist and tighten me grip
until there’s nothing of you of left
and I have recreated you in my own image
sad, and worthless and devoid of light”

Voice 1
“You are worthless
I will destroy all your hopes
I will take all your joy
and poison your smile
I will dig my blade into your soul
and twist until you writhe in pain
I will send poison through your very being
and screaming demons inside your brain”
Voice 2
“You are worthless
I will destroy all your hopes
I will take all your joy
and poison your smile
I will dig my blade into your soul
and twist until you writhe in pain
I will send poison through your very being
and screaming demons inside your brain”
Voice 1
“I will warp and twist and tighten me grip
until there’s nothing of you of left
and I have recreated you in my own image
sad, and worthless and devoid of light”
Voice 2
“I will lurk in every shadow
every corner of your mind
I will be every part of you
until you are nothing but me”
Voice 1
“I will warp and twist and tighten me grip
until there’s nothing of you of left
and I have recreated you in my own image
sad, and bitter and twisted,”
“I will destroy you”
“I will destroy you”
Voice 2
“I will destroy you”
Voice 1
“Tearing, rip-apart and savage
Until all you hold dear is shredded and broken
Nothing will or can protect you
I know you too well”
Voice 2
“Tearing, rip-apart and savage
Until all you hold dear is shredded and broken
Nothing will or can protect you
I know you too well”

Voice 1
“I will walk in every shadow
every corner of your mind
I will be every part of you
until you are nothing”
Voice 1
“I will walk in every shadow
every corner of your mind
I will be every part of you
until you are nothing”
Voice 1
“I will destroy you”
Voice 2
“I will destroy you”
Voice 1
“Rip apart and savage”
“I will walk in every shadow
every corner of your mind
I will be every part of you
until you are nothing”
Voice 2
“I will walk in every shadow
every corner of your mind
I will be every part of you
until you are nothing”
Voice 1
“I will destroy you”
Voice 2
“I will destroy you”
Voice 1
“Rip apart and savage”
Voice 1
“Rip apart and savage”
Voice 1
“I will exploit every dark fear and memory
Leave your mind broken, and twisted
Voice 2
“I will exploit every dark fear and memory
Until you are lying broken on the floor”
Voice 1 and Voice 2
“I will destroy you”
“I will exploit every dark fear and memory
Leave your mind broken, and twisted”

Repeat to end.

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Death mother goddess – Resources

An image illustrating an article about Death mother goddess – Resources on

This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track, death mother goddess

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This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track, Flies.

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Download Merchandise George's Blog Potential triggers 


I submit to the lord of the universe

Wherever you are, death will overtake you
Though you are in towers raised high
Vie with one another, in good works

Give glad tidings to those who patiently proceed
By the token of time through the ages
Vie with one another, in good works

By the token of time through the ages
Verify, man is in lust
Except that which have faith
And do righteous things
And join together, in mutual teachings of truth
And of patience
And of constancy

– Islamic break –

Vie with one another, in good works
Give glad tidings to those who patiently proceed

Wherever you are, death will overtake you
Though you are in towers raised high

I submit to the lord of the universe
Vie with one another, in good works

Give glad tidings to those who patiently proceed

Who so interveneth, in a good cause
Shall have the reward thereof
And who so interveneth in an evil cause<⁣/span>
Will bear the consequences thereof

– Islamic break –
By the token of time through the ages

Wherever you are, death will overtake you
Though you are in towers raised high

I submit to the lord of the universe

I submit to the lord of the universe


Flies – Resources

An image on the website

This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track, Flies.

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This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome track Crash Landing.

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It was in my head…

We are nothing more than vibrational frequencies
Held captive by physical form
We are potential, unrealised
We are potential, distracted
We are potential, corrupted
But we are, potential

We are nothing more than vibrational frequencies
Held captive by physical form
We are potential, unrealised
We are potential, distracted
We are potential, corrupted
But we are, potential

We are the distracted
We are the conditioned
We are the controlled
We are the led
But we are, potential

We are nothing more than vibrational frequencies
Held captive by physical form
We are potential, unrealised
We are potential, distracted
We are potential, corrupted
But we are, potential

We are the distracted
We are the conditioned
We are the controlled
We are the led
But we are, potential

We are godhead, denied
We are petty, we are cruel
We are ego unleashed
We are petty
We are cruel
We are ego unleashed
We are spoilt children
But we are, potential

Unrealised, potential
Unrealised, potential
Unrealised, potential
Unrealised, potential


We are so close, but not quite there
Held back by our inherent flaws
But we are, potential

We are the distracted
We are the conditioned
We are the controlled
We are the led
But we are, potential

We are potential
We are potential, corrupted
But we are, potential

We are the distracted
We are the conditioned
We are the controlled
We are the led
But we are, potential

We are godhead, denied
We are petty, we are cruel
We are ego unleashed
We are petty
We are cruel
We are ego unleashed
We are spoilt children
But we are, potential

We are so close, but not quite there
Held back by our inherent flaws
But we are, potential

But we are, potential

Unrealised, potential

We are so close, but not quite there
Held back by our inherent flaws
But we are, potential

We are the distracted
We are the conditioned
We are the controlled
We are the led
But we are, potential

We are so close, but not quite there
Held back by our inherent flaws
But we are, potential

We are nothing more than vibrational frequencies
Held captive by physical form
We are potential, unrealised

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Crash landing – Resources

An image illustrating an article about Crash landing – Resources on

This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome track Crash Landing.

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This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track Battle for my soul revisited !! This is the second time we have looked at  this track, it may not be the last….

Download Merchandise George's Blog Potential triggers


There’s a battle raging in my soul
there are those who would wish to lead me
to satisfy their own agenda’s and aims

But I will resist in any way I can
To the point where my existence
Becomes an act of resistance

I will not comply
I want you to reassure me

I will not comply
I want you to reassure me


Battle for my soul revisited – Resources

An image illustrating an article about Battle for my soul revisited – Resources on

This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track Battle for my soul revisited !! This is the second time we have looked at this track, it may not be the last….

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This is the resources pages for The Alice Syndrome. Here you will find band related items which are related to the band.

Download Merchandise Biography Timeline

The Alice Syndrome official media

The Alice Syndrome playing live.


The Alice Syndrome – Resources

An image illustrating an article about The Alice Syndrome – Resources on

This is the resources pages for The Alice Syndrome. Here you will find band related items which are related to the band.

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This is the resource page for The Alice Syndromes audio track and video, Full spectrum domination.

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Download Merchandise Resources George's Blog Potential triggers 


Image 1 of 7


Full spectrum domination – Resources

An image illustrating an article about George’s Blog: Full spectrum domination on

This is the resource page for The Alice Syndromes audio track and video, Full spectrum domination

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This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome track Haiku Priestess

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Download Merchandise George's Blog Potential triggers 

Lyrics - 1Lyrics - 2Lyrics - 3


Giant stars collapsed
Whirling ghosts merged and shuddered
Rippling through time and space

Giant stars collapsed
Whirling ghosts merged and shuddered
Rippling through time and space

A duality, substance, power
Imbalance, equal opposite, opposite

The weight of the words lands gently
With great impact
Part of the process

Hurt buried deep to avoid the unbearable
Unearthing sheds light

Fear and confusion
Pain and pleasure
Sensory overload

Fear and confusion
Pain and pleasure
Sensory overload

Slime, seething with spite
Tormentors lurk in the depths
Bleaching out the joy

Unexpected hurt floods system
Wounds opened by the brash
And the rash

Trinkets of status
Conventional worth
Value, dismissed by design

Trinkets of status
Conventional worth
Value, dismissed by design

The weight of the words lands gently
With great impact
Part of the process

Fear and confusion
Pain and pleasure
Sensory overload

Fear and confusion
Pain and pleasure
Sensory overload

Slime, seething with spite
Tormentors lurk in the depths
Bleaching out the joy

Unexpected hurt floods system
Wounds opened by the brash
And the rash

Trinkets of status
Conventional worth
Value, dismissed by design

Trinkets of status
Conventional worth
Value, dismissed by design

The weight of the words lands gently
With great impact
Part of the process

Fear and confusion
Pain and pleasure
Sensory overload

Fear and confusion
Pain and pleasure
Sensory overload

Slime, seething with spite
Tormentors lurk in the depths
Bleaching out the joy

Unexpected hurt floods system
Wounds opened by the brash
And the rash

Trinkets of status
Conventional worth
Value, dismissed by design

Trinkets of status
Conventional worth
Value, dismissed by design

The lyrics to Haiku Priestess, are a complex and poetic expression of emotions and experiences. The song is divided into four sections, each consisting of three haikus, followed by a chorus that repeats the same four lines. The haikus follow the traditional 5-7-5 syllable pattern, but they also rhyme, creating a musical and rhythmic effect.

The first section describes the cosmic origin of existence, using metaphors of giant stars, whirling ghosts, and ripples in time and space. This singer suggests that they are a product of a duality, a substance and a power that are imbalanced and opposite. This sets the stage for the contrast and conflict that will be explored in the rest of the song.

The second section focuses on the inner world, describing experiences of a range of emotions and sensations that are overwhelming and sometimes contradictory. Words such as hurt, fear, confusion, pain, pleasure, sensory overload, and shutdown are used to convey intense feelings. The chorus repeats the phrase “the weight of the words lands gently with great impact”, implying an awareness of the power and significance of expression, but that it can also be softened or moderated.

The third section shifts to the outer world, where the challenges and threats from others who do not understand or appreciate are explored. There is use of the imagery of slime, spite, tormentors, bleaching, wounds, brash, and rash to enemies and their actions. The song also contrasts values with those of the mainstream society, rejecting trinkets of status and conventional worth.

The fourth section repeats the same haikus as the first section. This creates a sense of closure and circularity, but also a subtle change in tone and emphasis.

The song is a powerful and creative example of using haiku as a form of lyrical expression. It manages to convey a lot of information and emotion in a concise and structured way, while also creating a musical and poetic effect.

Haiku priestess – Resources

An image illustrating an article about Haiku priestess – Resources on

This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome track Haiku Priestess

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This is the harder faster quicker now resources page.

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Download George's Blog Potential triggers 


There are too many books I have not read
too many words I have not said
Too many feelings left untouched
Harder faster quicker now
Lessons learnt will be forgotten
As I plot another process
plot another path of torment
harder faster quicker now
Lessons learnt will be forgotten
As I plot another process
plot another path of torment
harder faster quicker now
Take the knife and mark my skin
As my soul is spread so thin
Drain me slowly, take it all
Harder faster quicker now
Lessons learnt will be forgotten
As I plot another process
plot another path of torment
harder faster quicker now
Take the knife and mark my skin
As my soul is spread so thin
Drain me slowly, take it all
Harder faster quicker now
Lessons learnt will be forgotten
As I plot another process
plot another path of torment
harder faster quicker now
Take the knife and mark my skin
As my soul is spread so thin
Drain me slowly, take it all
Harder faster quicker now
Warning signs will go unnoticed
As I work on through the process
Choosing not to see the dangers
Harder faster quicker now
Lessons learnt will be forgotten
As I plot another process
plot another path of torment
harder faster quicker now
Take the knife and mark my skin
As my soul is spread so thin
Drain me slowly, take it all
Harder faster quicker now
There are too many books I have not read
too many words I have not said
Too many feelings left untouched
Harder faster quicker now
Lessons learnt will be forgotten
As I plot another process
plot another path of torment
harder faster quicker now
I want more days so I have time
To reclaim what is rightfully mine
Though it never can be returned
Harder faster quicker now

Harder faster quicker now – Resources

An image illustrating an article about Harder faster quicker now – Resources on

This is the resources page for The Alice Syndrome’s track – Harder faster quicker now.

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This page holds promotional resources for our track – stop me but give me more. Please don’t hesitate to post these on your feeds.

Click to view stop me but give me more at YouTube

Download Merchandise  George's Blog Potential triggers 

Lyrics - 1Lyrics - 2Lyrics - 3

And so it begins

I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos out of control
I am chaos out of control

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer and then help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos out of control
I am chaos out of control
I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos out of control
I am chaos out of control

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer and then help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer and then help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos, out of control

The universe plays
Journey to autonomy
Tragic irony

The universe plays
Journey to autonomy
Tragic irony

I hear the voices
The voices
Hear the voices


But I don’t understand what you are trying to tell me

But I don’t understand what you are trying to tell me

Tell me
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me

I am chaos, out of control
I am chaos, out of control

I am a walking contradiction
Cos I fight with my addiction

Designed programmed to self destruct
I am my own worse enemy
No-one can hurt me as much as me

All this self-doubt running through my brain
Give me it all, let me feel the pain

My body is frozen, there’s no reaction
So I’ll keep on looking for a new distraction

I am chaos, out of control

Strangely animated though exhausted
Driven compelled by unseen forces
Whatever you do to me, I’ll do it first
I am my own living breathing curse

I never learnt what I should have learnt
By putting my heart in the fire and getting burnt
I never learnt to take control
Nor had possession of my soul

I am a walking contradiction
Cos I fight with my addiction

I would so like to reconstruct
A bargain program to self-destruct

I am my own worse enemy
No-one can hurt me as much as me

All this self-doubt running through my brain
Give me it all, let me feel the pain

My body is frozen, there’s no reaction
So I’ll keep on looking for a new distraction

I am chaos, out of control

Strangely animated though exhausted
Driven compelled by unseen forces
Whatever you do to me, I’ll do it worse
I am my own living breathing curse

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I never learnt what I should have learnt
By putting my heart in the fire and getting burnt
I never learnt to take control
Never had possession of my soul

The universe plays
Journey to autonomy
Tragic irony

And so it begins

I am a walking contradiction
Cos I fight with my addiction

I would so like to reconstruct
A bargain program to self-destruct

All this self-doubt running through my brain
Give me it all, let me feel the pain

My body is froze, there’s no reaction
So I’ll keep on looking for a new distraction

Nothing, I’ve found, gives me what I need
So I’ll keep on searching, and continue to bleed

I am chaos, out of control

Strangely animated though exhausted
Driven compelled by unseen forces
Whatever you do to me, I’ll do it worse
I am my own living breathing curse

I never learnt what I should have learnt
By putting my heart in the fire and getting burnt
I never learnt to take control
Nor had possession of my soul

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I never learnt what I should have learnt
By putting my heart in the fire and getting burnt
I never learnt to take control
Nor had possession of my soul

The universe plays
Journey to autonomy
Tragic irony

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

Stop me but give me more

And so it begins

I am a walking contradiction
Cos I fight with my addiction

I would so like to reconstruct
A bargain program to self-destruct

I am my own worse enemy
No-one can hurt me as much as me

All this self-doubt running through my brain
Give me it all, let me feel the pain

My body is froze, there’s no reaction
So I’ll keep on looking for a new distraction

Nothing, I’ve found, gives me what I need
So I’ll keep on searching, and continue to bleed

I am chaos, out of control

Strangely animated though exhausted
Driven compelled by unseen forces
Whatever you do to me, I’ll do it worse
I am my own living breathing curse

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free?

I never learnt what I should have learnt
By putting my heart in the fire and getting burnt
I never learnt to take control
Nor had possession of my soul

The universe plays
Journey to autonomy
Tragic irony

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I hear the voices but I can’t understand what you are trying to say to me
Are you offering me an answer that may help to set me free? Or just further mock and torment me?

I am chaos, out of control


Stop me but give me more – Resources

An image illustrating an article about Stop me but give me more – Resources on

This page holds promotional resources for our track – stop me but give me more. Please don’t hesitate to post these on your feeds.

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