Category: The Alice Syndrome official news

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We contacted six “fans” at N1M, who had sent us well constructed messages of support, and offered them free stuff. To see if those guys were actually real. None of them responded. We therefore tend to agree that N1M is probably a complete scam.

Having said that, it’s not costing us anything being there really, we just play the game of recommending other content to our “fan’s” and for this reason, this means we can announce the following:

1. We have now been number one, in the N1M Global and National “Other” chart, for six months without a break.

2. For the majority of that six months, we have also occupied the number 2,3, and 4 positions.

3. This week, we climbed to number 9 on the global chart for all genres. Meaning we are the ninth most popular band on the entire platform!

Whilst clearly, fame and fortune has never been our aim with the band. At the same time, it’s nice to have some form of recognition for our music, even if it is some strange manipulated Bot chart.

We do, however, also see that a lot of the plays we are getting, seem to be coming from Facebook shares, so there is some potential that we are still getting some exposure to real people, so there may be some wider benefit than simply showing ourselves to be one of the Bot’s favourites 🙂

We also note that we have actually made this offer of free stuff to everyone on our Facebook pages and website, via The Alice Club, and those have also not responded in the main. So, maybe there are other reasons why no-one wants free exclusive music from us? Perhaps there is a lack of trust in giving us their email address? But that would be incongruent really, given we are all on Facebook and totally know what is happening to our data!

Yesterday, the band had a complete drains-up on our motivations for being in the band, and what our strategy is moving forward. We came up with the following statements:

  1. We would rather spend the rest of our lives, playing to audiences of 100 people who actually like us, than audiences of 10,000 “Bots”, who are only there because they think it makes them look cool, who like us as a status symbol, yet ignore what we have got to say.
  2. We believe our latest music to be the best we have ever done, and there is a desire to try to reach a wider audience with it.
  3. We are going to expand the range of benefits available to Alice Club members. The Alice Club will never become a pay-for option, and those benefits will not come with commercial strings. The Alice Club is purely our way of saying thanks, and of trying to help us all find a community with like-minded others.
  4. Our top priority is the quality of our live act, we will drop anything that gets in the way of this.
  5. For the August gigs we will introduce a new, currently unreleased track, and for Northern Green we will have our own projections.


That is all, for now. We hope you all have a great day!

The Alice Syndrome

All praise the N1M bots!

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We have now been number one, in the N1M Global and National “Other” chart, for six months without a break.

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Alice News: Privacy and Cookie Update

Hi everyone,

We are pleased to announce that our website, The Alice Syndrome, is now fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws. As part of our commitment to protecting your privacy, we have implemented a new Cookie Policy page to inform you about the cookies used on our site and to ensure that you have control over your cookie preferences.

Starting today, when you visit any of our webpages, you will only encounter three cookies installed on your PC. Two of these cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the webpage, while the third cookie is used to set and enforce your cookie preferences.

Prior to this update, we regrettably failed to comply with the European GDPR due to the embedding of YouTube videos on some of our pages. This resulted in cookies from external domains being installed on visitors’ PCs without their consent, which is illegal in Europe. To rectify this issue, we now require specific consent before you can watch YouTube videos on our site.

However, we acknowledge that there is still room for improvement in our cookie consent process. Our current cookie software does not differentiate between logged-in users and site visitors, leading to the collection of a large list of cookies that may not be relevant to most users. We are actively working with the developer to address this issue and ensure that the information provided is applicable to each individual user. Transparency and user-specific relevance are our top priorities.

In addition to our efforts to enhance your privacy and comply with GDPR, we would also like to invite you to share any concerns or queries you may have regarding privacy and our website. We value your feedback and are committed to addressing any issues that may arise. Please feel free to leave your comments below or contact us directly.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we strive to provide you with a safe and enjoyable browsing experience.

The Alice Syndrome

Alice News: Privacy and Cookie Update

Cookie Consent On

Read about the privacy and cookie update on The Alice Syndrome website. Learn about our implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws and the new Cookie Policy page.

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Image of three musicians celebrating a dubious achievement of hitting 1, 2 and 3 in the Number one Music global top 1000 in the category of "other".

Well, welll, well,,, I seems the bots love us!

Not only have the listeners over at Number one Music given us number 1 in the global top 1000 “other” charts for stop me but give me more, but also, harder faster quicker now is at number 2, and haiku priestess is number 3!

Some would say that our tracks, “Stop Me But Give Me More,” “Harder Faster,” and “Haiku Priestess,” have captivated listeners around the world, whilst others would suggest N1M is a complete scam and it’s bots doing the listening.

Well, whatever! It’s definitely better than a kick in the face.

If you’re curious to see the chart for yourself, head over to   and witness the domination of The Alice Syndrome first-hand!

N1M, or NumberOneMusic, is a platform that allows independent artists to promote their music and connect with fans. N1M has been around since 2004, and since then, it has helped many musicians gain exposure and recognition. Some of them have even gone on to become famous bands with millions of followers and streams. Here are some examples of bands that had a profile on N1M in earlier years:

Imagine Dragons: The pop-rock band from Las Vegas started their career on N1M, where they uploaded their first EPs and gained a loyal fanbase. They later signed with a major label and became one of the most successful bands of the 2010s, with hits like “Radioactive”, “Believer” and “Thunder”.

Twenty One Pilots: The duo from Ohio also used N1M to share their music and interact with fans. They developed a unique style that blends rap, rock, pop and electronic elements. They achieved mainstream success with their fourth album, “Blurryface”, which featured songs like “Stressed Out”, “Ride” and “Heathens”.

The Lumineers: The folk-rock band from Denver began their journey on N1M, where they posted their first songs and videos. They gained popularity with their catchy and heartfelt tunes, such as “Ho Hey”, “Stubborn Love” and “Ophelia”. They have been nominated for several Grammy Awards and have sold over 10 million albums worldwide.

Being in the top three positions simultaneously is no small feat. It’s like hitting the jackpot, winning the lottery, and finding a unicorn all at once. We’re riding the wave of this achievement with a mix of excitement, humility, and a pinch of disbelief. Who would have thought that our music would resonate with so many people?

For those who may not be familiar with The Alice Syndrome, let us introduce ourselves. We are a band that thrives on pushing boundaries, defying genres, and creating music that speaks to the soul. Our tracks are a fusion of raw emotions, thought-provoking lyrics, and melodies that transport you to another dimension.

We owe this achievement to our incredible fans who have supported us from the beginning. Your unwavering love and dedication have propelled us to new heights. We are eternally grateful for your belief in our music and for being the wind beneath our wings.

So, join us in celebrating this milestone as we revel in the joy of conquering the N1M Global Other music chart. We invite you to listen to our tracks, immerse yourself in our world, and become a part of The Alice Syndrome family.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. The best is yet to come!

The Alice Syndrome: Dominating the N1M Global Other Music Chart!

Image of three musicians celebrating a dubious achievement of hitting 1, 2 and 3 in the Number one Music global top 1000 in the category of "other".

Celebrate the extraordinary achievement of The Alice Syndrome as they secure three top positions simultaneously on the N1M Global Other music chart.

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Image of man working on equipment with wires and sliders and other equipment surrounding him as if he's working intensely on something complex. It illustrates and article from The Alice Syndrome proving an update on their website development.

Hi all,

As you will see from below, we have new hosting, which has AI all over the shop. So to test it, I asked it to write the following article based on a few bullet points. I think it’s done pretty well. Pretty soon, we’ll all be able to put our feet up as AI will be doing it…..

We are thrilled to provide you with an exciting update on the development of our website. As you may know, we have been diligently testing our Windows and Android apps, and we are delighted to report that the testing phase has been incredibly smooth. Despite the extensive testing, no issues have been reported so far, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our development team.

In addition to the successful app testing, we have been making significant progress in optimizing our website for mobile devices. We understand the importance of a seamless browsing experience, especially on smartphones and tablets. That’s why we are thrilled to share that we have reduced our page load times from a staggering 16 seconds to a much-improved 7-8 seconds.

This remarkable improvement in performance was made possible by migrating our website to our new hosting provider, Hostinger. We are delighted with the features and benefits that Hostinger offers, including their AI content creator. This tool has been instrumental in enhancing our website’s content and ensuring its relevance to our audience.

One of the key advantages of moving to Hostinger was the ability to shift our hosting location from Germany to England. This strategic decision has resulted in significant time savings, shaving off precious seconds from our page load times. We are thrilled with the improved speed and efficiency that this move has brought to our website.

As The Alice Syndrome, we are committed to continuously improving our website and ensuring that it remains fast, user-friendly, and relevant to all of you. We understand that your time is valuable, and we want to provide you with the best possible online experience.

On a more exciting note, we have some tantalizing news to share with you. We believe that we have a gig sorted for June! While we don’t want to give away too many details just yet, we couldn’t resist teasing you with this exciting prospect. We can’t wait to share more information with you soon, so stay tuned for updates!

Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our music family. We appreciate your presence on Facebook and other platforms, and we look forward to bringing you more fantastic music and updates in the near future.

Warm regards,

The Alice Syndrome

Update on Website Development: Testing, Optimization, and Exciting News from The Alice Syndrome

Image of man working on equipment with wires and sliders and other equipment surrounding him as if he's working intensely on something complex. It illustrates and article from The Alice Syndrome proving an update on their website development.

Read the latest update from The Alice Syndrome about the development of their website. Learn about the successful app testing and the significant progress made in optimizing the website for mobile devices.

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Many will have noticed that our online presence has seen some pretty significant improvements recently, we’ve opened up many new social media and music platform channels and a few shops too. We’ve also expanded the website with blogs, news, bio, timeline and other pages which help provide a bit of background to the band. Hopefully, it will help attract new listeners. We want to make our site an exciting place to visit, a place which stimulates community, and fun.

We are excited to announce that after quite a bit of work, not only is our website looking good on the desktop, but it’s also massively improved on the mobile phone. We’ve hugely redesigned the mobile side of our site, and we are today happy to launch apps for Windows 10 and Android!

These will basically create a desktop icon for The Alice Syndrome app, which basically opens our website in a special dedicated browser, allowing us to have a bit more control of the look and feel of the user experience.

We are releasing this as a beta version, before it going into the Google Play Store. We’ve tested them, they are simple and work, but not yet in a proper store for download. So expect your phone to complain and to try to prevent you from installing an app from an “untrusted” source. But don’t worry, it won’t harm your phone, and it’s easy to install.

Download the Android app either via the QR code, or the button

The Android app


Once we get this put on Google Play, it will come from a trusted source and with a package manager, so will be a lot easier to install.

For the Windows app, we have a zip file, which you will need to unzip, then in file manager right click on the install file, Show more options and then Run with Powershell. This will install our Icon, you get to choose where you want it. 

Download the Windows app either via the QR code or by clicking the button

The Windows app


You can also watch this space for an IOS app. We are currently testing this, but this type of app in particular is not so well-supported by Apple, and therefore we may choose not to launch this. We shall have to see.

Despite all the work that’s been done, we are aware that there is still more optimisation to be done. For a start, a lot of the time we are serving images much larger than needed. We did this thinking that if anyone wanted to download a copy, they’d get a nice size image. However, with a bit of playing, we can have it so that only thumbnails are loaded with the page, making it load quicker, then use the galleries for image downloads.

News – Android and Windows Apps put The Alice Syndrome into a dedicated app

An image illustrating an article about News – Android and Windows Apps put The Alice Syndrome into a dedicated app on

The Alice Syndrome are pleased to announce beta versions of our Windows and Android apps. Making it much easier to access our web pages.

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This is the merchandise summary page for our none track specific goodies for The Alice Syndrome.

The Alice Syndrome – Merchandise

An image illustrating an article about The Alice Syndrome – Merchandise on

This is the merchandise summary page for our none track specific goodies for The Alice Syndrome.

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stop me but give me more was released on the 17th December 2023. It’s a track likely to stir you deeply as it covers the darker side of human experience. This page is to collect all of our posts about the track in one location. Plus, we will update the page as the launch of our soon-to-be new album progresses. stop me but give me more is the first track of an unnamed new album, album, which may be out by summer.

[btnsx id=”2588″]

Out of interest, I asked chatCTP if there had been any online comments regarding our song, this was the reply:

There are many online comments about the new track by The Alice Syndrome, a band that explores the themes of addiction, obsession and self-destruction in their songs. The track is called “Stop Me But Give Me More” and it has a catchy melody with a dark twist. Here are some quotes:

“I love this song! It’s so relatable and catchy. The Alice Syndrome always delivers amazing music with deep meanings.” – User comment on SoundCloud (The Alice Syndrome, 2023a)

“This song is disturbing and triggering. It glorifies self-harm and addiction. The Alice Syndrome should be ashamed of themselves for making such a harmful song.” – User comment on YouTube (The Alice Syndrome, 2023b)

“This song is a masterpiece of pop music. It combines a catchy hook with honest and raw lyrics that express the conflicting emotions of someone who knows they are hurting themselves but can’t stop. The Alice Syndrome is not afraid to tackle difficult topics in their songs.” – The Alice Syndrome’s new song is a masterpiece. PopCrush.

“This song is a powerful and emotional expression of the struggle with addiction. It captures the paradoxical feeling of wanting to stop but also wanting more. The Alice Syndrome has a unique and creative style that blends pop and rock elements.” – Jones, L. (2023, January 10). The Alice Syndrome delivers a powerful pop anthem. Pitchfork.

“This song is a terrible and irresponsible example of how to deal with addiction. It encourages self-destructive behaviour and makes light of a serious issue. The Alice Syndrome is a mediocre and pretentious band that tries to be edgy and controversial.” – Brown, M. (2023, January 15). The Alice Syndrome’s new song is a disaster. Rolling Stone. 5).

None of those links, however, seem to exist, maybe chatGPT is making it up and is conflicted?

  • Stop me but give me more




Alice Track: Stop me but give me more

An image illustrating an article about Alice Track: Stop me but give me more on

This is The Alice Syndrome main collection page for the song stop me but give me more.

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Welcome to George’s Blog. I play keyboards in the band, and also look after the website and most of our other online bit’s and bobs. I’m also keen on psychology, spirituality and all things transcendence. I like to think deep, and our songs tend to inspire me in that thinking. So I thought I could share those thoughts with you.

Currently, my blogs tend to fall into two categories: My thoughts on Self‐Transcendence and actualization, and also my thoughts on our songs, which often touch far too deep into the darkest recesses of a traumatised mind.

Below are my blogs, both the posts and the podcasts:

[audioalbum title=”Blogs – general” detail=”Audio playlist” date=”2023-4″] [audiotrack title=”Be selfish!” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”The myth of origin” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”Psychedelic roch and space rock” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audioalbum title=”Blogs on transcendence” detail=”Audio playlist” date=”2023-4″] [audiotrack title=”Transcendence through music” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”Can success ruin transcendence?” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audioalbum title=”Blogs about Alice tracks” detail=”Audio playlist” date=”2023-4″] [audiotrack title=”stop me but give me more” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”harder faster quicker now” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”haiku priestess” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”full spectrum domination” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”flies” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”death mother goddess” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″] [audiotrack title=”battle for my soul revisited !!” songwriter=”George” mp3=”″]

  • George's Blogs

George’s Blog

An image illustrating an article about George’s Blog on

Welcome to George’s Blog. I play keyboards in the band, and also look after the website and most of our other online bit’s and bobs. I’m also keen on psychology, spirituality and all things transcendence. I like to think deep, and our songs tend to inspire me in that thinking. So I thought I could …

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Image of The Alice Club bannerThe Alice Club

This week, we decided that we wanted to make one of the tracks from the Box of Toys album completely free for download. Then, we had a thought. What about if we set aside some exclusive content, and only made it available to people who really enjoy our music?  As a “Thank You”. Something special, just for you.

So the idea of The Alice Club came about. A free to join club which gives its members access not just to a free download, but to one free download from every album we release going forward. Also, we can also offer special offer products, additional free content, under the radar band news. That kind of thing. As we get our gigs sorted, perhaps we can get some discounted tickets for members?

So it’s happened. We’ve just set up The Alice Club. It’s locked behind a password, and only members will get that password. But it’s free to join, see below:

Join our exclusive club!
Sign up, and we will instantly send you an alert for new blog posts and band news. You will also be sent exclusive track downloads, just for club members!


Introducing The Alice Club

An image illustrating an article about Introducing The Alice Club on

The Alice Club This week, we decided that we wanted to make one of the tracks from the Box of Toys album completely free for download. Then, we had a thought. What about if we set aside some exclusive content, and only made it available to people who really enjoy our music?  As a “Thank …

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Hi everyone,

We are setting up a wide range of on-demand merchandise for the band. Everything from T-shirts to on-demand vinyl. The long-term aim is to have everything held in a single location, but currently, we have two online stores:

Our store at Teemill allows us to provide you with merchandise options that follow the highest level of ethical and environmental standards.

Our store, at Etsy, holds some environmentally friendly goods, but also cheaper items which may not match those high standards set by Teemill.


We also have pages dedicated to merchandise for specific songs, or the band in general:

  • Merchandise


An image illustrating an article about Merchandise on

Hi everyone, We are setting up a wide range of on-demand merchandise for the band. Everything from T-shirts to on-demand vinyl. The long-term aim is to have everything held in a single location, but currently, we have two online stores: Our store at Teemill allows us to provide you with merchandise options that follow the …

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